European Scientific Journal, ESJ <h5><strong>ESJ SOCIAL SCIENCES&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;ESJ HUMANITIES&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;ESJ NATURAL/LIFE/MEDICAL SCIENCES&nbsp; &nbsp;</strong></h5> <h5><em><strong>40.000+ authors from all around the globe&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Over 15 million website visits&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Open Access</strong></em></h5> European Scientific Institute, ESI en-US European Scientific Journal, ESJ 1857-7881 Le Rôle de l’Identification chez l’Adolescent Exposé à la Violence Conjugale au Cameroun <p>La violence conjugale au Cameroun est un fléau qui va grandissant mais, curieusement, vécue dans nombreuse famille comme une banalité. Malheureusement, cette violence entre les parents (verbale, physique, psychologique, économique et spirituelle) se pratique en présence des adolescents. Cette présence des adolescents va créer chez eux de la souffrance psychologique. Cette souffrance va être par la suite évacuée par l’appareil psychique. C’est dans cette mouvance que notre étude s’intéresse au processus d’évacuation de la souffrance psychique chez l’adolescent exposé à la violence conjugale. La méthode clinique a été utilisé comme méthode de recherche. Les entretiens ont été fait auprès de trois adolescents fréquemment exposés à la violence conjugale au Cameroun. Les données recueillies auprès des sujets ont été analysées à travers l’analyse thématique de contenu suivant l’approche psychanalytique. Il ressort des entretiens semi-directifs que l’adolescents camerounais exposé à la violence conjugale est atteint sur son psychisme. Cependant, ces adolescents face à cette adversité, ont mobilisé de l’énergie psychique basé sur l’identification aux pairs non exposés à la violence conjugale pour évacuer la souffrance psychique. Le fait pour l’adolescent de s’identifier aux pairs non exposés, va restaurer l’équilibre psychique.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Marital violence in Cameroon is a growing scourge but, curiously, experienced in many families as a banality. Unfortunately, this violence between parents (verbal, physical, psychological, economic and spiritual) is practiced in the presence of adolescents. This presence of adolescents will create psychological suffering for them. This suffering will subsequently be evacuated by the psychic. It is in this movement that our study focuses on the process of evacuating psychological suffering in adolescents exposed to marital violence. The clinical method was used as a research method. The interviews were carried out with three adolescents frequently exposed to marital violence in Cameroon. The data collected from the subjects were analyzed through thematic content analysis following the psychoanalytic approach. It appears from the interviews semi-structured that Cameroonian adolescents exposed to marital violence are affected on their psychic. However, these adolescents, faced with this adversity, mobilized psychic energy based on identification with peers not exposed to marital violence to relieve psychological suffering. The fact that the adolescent identifies with unexposed peers will restore psychological balance.</p> Tabue Defo Fabrice Rocard Kameni Ngaleu Achille Garance Copyright (c) 2024 Tabue Defo Fabrice Rocard, Kameni Ngaleu Achille Garance 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 28 661 661 Evidence of Komatiitic Basalt Enclaves in the Téra-Ayorou Pluton (Liptako, West Niger) (West African Craton) <p>The basic enclaves (amphibolo-pyroxenites) of the Téra-Ayorou pluton in Niger Liptako (NE portion of the Man Ridge of the West African Craton) are characterized by high MgO, low Na2O, K2O, and TiO2 contents, high CaO/Al2O3 ratios, depletion of light rare earth and enrichment in Ni and Cr. These basic enclaves are thought to come from certain basic to ultrabasic Pogwa and Ladanka plutonites in the Diagorou-Darbani greenstone belt, with which they share the same geochemical characteristics. This suggests that these enclaves were ripped out by the pluton as it was being emplaced. The basic enclaves and basic plutonites with ultrabasites have different signatures from those of the birimian basites of the West African Craton, which are tholeiitic and calc-alkaline. The amphibolo-pyroxenite enclaves of the Téra-Ayorou pluton and the basic to ultrabasic plutonites of the Diagorou-Darbani greenstone belt constitute a fairly continuous line of komatiitic rocks from peridotites (serpentinites) to basalts (metapyroxenites, amphibolites). This komatiitic lineage results from the fractional crystallization of a magmatic liquid from a mantle source with variable partial melting rates. The komatiitic line and the tholeiitic and calc-alkaline lines are closely intertwined in the field.</p> Sofiyane Abdourahamane Attourabi Mallam Mamane Hallarou Yacouba Ahmed Mahamane Moustapha Sanda Chékaraou Copyright (c) 2024 Sofiyane Abdourahamane Attourabi, Mallam Mamane Hallarou, Yacouba Ahmed, Mahamane Moustapha Sanda Chékaraou 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 28 648 648 A Case Study of Relationship between CO2 Emissions, Growth, Energy and Electricity Consumptions in Morocco <p>Given the uncontrolled increase in environmental pollution and degradation of environmental quality worldwide, the environmental impact of economic growth has become a major focus in recent decades the most important question is: How does economic growth effect environmental quality? This study addressed this issue, examining the nature of the long-run relationship between economic growth per capita and pollutant emissions in Morocco. For this reason, the ARDL (Autoregressive Distributed Lag) modeling approach was used from 1990 to 2020. This approach mainly includes time series analysis and cointegration. The relationship tested introduces four variables: carbon dioxide (CO2), energy consumption per capita, electricity consumption per capita and GDP per capita. The main results indicate a long-term relationship between economic growth, energy consumption and CO2 emissions, indicating that a 1% increase in electricity consumption increases CO2 emissions by 0.36%. On the other hand, a 1% increase in GDP per capita increases CO2 emissions by 0.76%, and a 1% increase in energy consumption increases emissions by 2.06%. Thus, all variables show a significant effect.</p> <p>In conclusion, the strategy that Morocco needs to follow to solve our problems is to prioritize investment in research, development and artificial intelligence, while providing adequate training in energy-related fields.</p> Wafa Kerfal Aicha El Alaoui Copyright (c) 2024 Wafa Kerfal, Aicha El Alaoui 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 28 631 631