European Scientific Journal, ESJ <h5><strong>ESJ SOCIAL SCIENCES&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;ESJ HUMANITIES&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;ESJ NATURAL/LIFE/MEDICAL SCIENCES&nbsp; &nbsp;</strong></h5> <h5><em><strong>40.000+ authors from all around the globe&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Over 15 million website visits&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Open Access</strong></em></h5> en-US (ESJ Editorial Office) (ESJ Editorial Office) Sun, 08 Sep 2024 09:09:18 +0000 OJS 60 Influence of Product, Price, Promotion and Place on Banana Market Trend in Kilimanjaro-Tanzania <p>The study focuses on the Product, Price, Promotion and Place On Banana Market Trend In Kilimanjaro, it provides the market strategy to enhance the competitiveness of banana companies in the current market dynamics. Through quantitative research, this paper revealed the effectiveness of (4P) in the Banana marketing strategy and the significant links between place, price, products, promotion and the impact in increasing the market opportunity in the banana sector. Specifically, the study evaluates the performance of marketing strategy practices across various dimensions. Marketing mix strategy were explored in terms of Product, Price, Promotion and Place. In addition, the data was collected from 575 banana growers throughout 52 wards. This study employed a cross-sectional survey approach to examine the commercial viability of the banana value chain, and the corresponding questionnaires were successfully collected. The results show (99.3%) of banana growers have a great challenge with access to the market and poor price information. Moreover, the producers (62.8%) rely on the middlemen rather than delivering bananas to the Private Banana Company. Based on these findings; for the farmers and private sector to generate growth and excellence, Private Banana Company need to decentralize their business model and develop a marketing strategy by implementing its marketing mix in a way that will acquire and then sustain its competitive edge in the market. These will enhance the competitiveness of banana companies and lay a solid foundation for their sustainable success in the banana business.</p> Steven Tumaini, Raphael Gwahula, Salvio Macha Copyright (c) 2024 Steven Tumaini, Raphael Gwahula, Salvio Macha Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Organizational Contribution of the PMO: An Assessment Using Structural Equation Modeling <p>This research is part of a thesis project that includes two main phases, and it aims to develop and examine a conceptual model to understand and verify the contribution of the PMO to the performance of Moroccan organizations as well as to their level of project management maturity in terms of organization and practices. Thus, the main objectives of this research are: (1) examine the PMO contribution to organizational performance and project management maturity, but also (2) contribute to the solidification of the theoretical basis of the project management school. For this, a quantitative approach was adopted, where a questionnaire was administrated online for three consecutive months. Firstly, the president of the PMI Moroccan chapter was contacted to request their collaboration. Secondly, a direct interaction was carried out with people evolving in project management within organizations that have a Project Management Office (PMO) and who could answer the questionnaire through the professional network "LinkedIn". Two hundred and five (205) responses were received, of which seventy-six (76) were discarded because the respondents declared the non-existence of a PMO within their organizations or it exist for less than three years. Finally, one hundred and twenty-nine (129) responses were considered usable and represent our final database from which we proceeded to a set of analyzes and tests. Two-stage data analysis was followed. First, a descriptive and exploratory analysis of the data collected was performed using SPSS. Next, a confirmatory analysis using structural equation modeling was carried out with the help of SmartPLS to examine the validity of the constructs of the model and to test the hypotheses. The results of this study provide a solid basis for linking PMO functions to organizational contributions. The study concluded that the PMO through its functions contributes to organizational performance and project management maturity. It also highlights the mediating effect of project management maturity. However, the possible moderating effect of PMO type on structural relationships could not be verified.</p> Zouheir El Yacoubi, Rachid Jahidi Copyright (c) 2024 Zouheir El Yacoubi, Rachid Jahidi Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Class, Power, and Social Change: A New Historicist Approach to August Strindberg’s Miss Julie and Anton Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard <p>This paper conducts a new historicist analysis of Strindberg’s <em>Miss Julie </em>(2008) and Chekhov’s <em>The Cherry Orchard </em>(1951), exploring how these plays reflect and respond to the social, political, and cultural dynamics of late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. By examining the interaction between literature and history, this study reveals how these works depict the tensions between old and new social orders, the shift of power dynamics, and the struggles of individuals caught in the midst of profound societal changes. Although both classic works have been the subject of a lot of critical studies, neither has been studied from a new historicist perspective. The shift in power dynamics at the very beginning of the twentieth century with the deterioration of the aristocratic sovereignty and the rise of the middle class is prominent theme in both plays. This shift conveys the inevitability of change that disrupts routines, norms, and tradition. From a new historicist perspective, those who are marginalized do not necessarily match readers’ initial assumptions, as the measures used to exhume the stigmatized characters are never the same as those utilized in other theoretical frameworks. It is not a battle between two antagonistic groups; nor is it a Greek tragedy that instigates catharsis upon the heroes’ tragic falls, simply because there <em>is no hero</em>, only an antihero. While Strindberg focuses on the changing role of women and the emergence of feminism in addition to class struggle, a new historicist approach reads these radical social, political, and economic changes as a result of historical changes taking place in Europe during that era. Chekhov, in turn, depicts the historical fall of aristocrats who had started to lose power on behalf of wild capitalism during the same era.</p> Salam El Baba, Lutfi Hamadi Copyright (c) 2024 Salam El Baba, Lutfi Hamadi Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000