FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
ESJ Mission
Our mission is to expedite access to the latest findings and thought in biological sciences, natural sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. Our reach is global, with a special emphasis on providing a venue for researchers in developing regions of the world.
Who publishes in ESJ?
ESJ encourages high quality submissions from all researchers regardless of their race, nationality, religion, or gender. Submissions from female investigators are encouraged.
Does the ESJ concentrate on a specific scientific field of study?
We support interdisciplinarity contributions and welcome submissions in all academic areas.
ESJ publishes online or in print?
The ESJ is primarily available online. However, a print version of the ESJ is also available.
Are ESJ articles available online without charging a fee?
The ESJ promotes an open access policy for its editions. Each edition is freely available in an online form. ESJ charges a low-rate publication fee to authors in order to defray its publication costs.