Incidencia De La Destreza Listening A Través De Diálogos Y Closed Caption En El Aprendizaje Del Idioma Inglés

  • Luis Oswaldo Guadalupe Bravo Magister en Lingüística y Didáctica de la Enseñanza de Idiomas Extranjeros Docente de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Centro de Idiomas
  • Enrique Jesús Guambo Yerovi Magister en Lingüística Aplicada al Aprendizaje del Idioma Inglés. Docente de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Centro de Idiomas
  • Luis Alberto Veloz Andrade Magister en Administración para el Desarrollo Educativo Docente de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Centro de Idiomas, Ecuador
  • Salazar Calderón Edison Hernán Magister en Lingüística Aplicada al Aprendizaje del Ingles Docente de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Centro de Idiomas, Ecuador
  • Mancero Orozco Washington Gustavo Magister en Administracion para el Desarrollo Educativo Docente de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Centro de Idiomas, Ecuador
  • Armas Pesantez Paul Rolando Magister en Lingüística Aplicada al Aprendizaje del Inglés Docente de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Centro de Idiomas, Ecuador


The objective of the present investigation was to make a diagnosis to the students of second year of baccalaureate parallel "H" of Pedro Vicente Maldonado High School in order to determine that the development of the skill of listening through activities like the dialogue and closed caption and the use of technologies of information and communication, contribute in the listening comprehension and therefore in the English language learning. The difficulty in the listening comprehension was detected because of the student’s low grades in the subject of the English. The research was scientific, quasiexperimental, and bibliographical, the information was collected through the technique of observation with a checklist that allowed the teacher to evaluate the student's performance. Both the activities and the parameters of the collation list were validated and verified by academic peers. The activities were organized in a timeline for their implementation; later the results were tabulated, analyzed, and interpreted, and subjected to the Chi square statistical test for the hypothesis test. Where it was shown that the application of activities with the help of the ICTs of the listening skill benefits the listening comprehension and thus the learning of the English language.


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How to Cite
Bravo, L. O. G., Yerovi, E. J. G., Andrade, L. A. V., Hernán, S. C. E., Gustavo, M. O. W., & Rolando, A. P. P. (2018). Incidencia De La Destreza Listening A Través De Diálogos Y Closed Caption En El Aprendizaje Del Idioma Inglés. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 14(2), 204.

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