• , Kalplata The English and Foreign Languages University, India


In the short stories of Guy de Maupassant, there is a clear difference between representation of a ‘madman’ and a ‘madwoman’. Madwoman is silent with no words. She is described and defined by men. Being a madwoman, she is drawn into deepest marginality. Maupassantian man, on the other hand, has the privilege to speak. He speaks the language of madness. In this article, we will explore the role of ‘other’. Madman is continuously tortured by the presence of invisible ‘other’ in his life. This ‘other’ does not exist in the life of a madwoman. Also, in the short stories of Maupassant, water plays an important part. Here, it is interessesting to see the relation between water and madness. The absence or disappearance of water announces madness in the life of a madman. On the other hand, the presence of water has a relieving effect on a madwoman. In the end, we will try to find out the causes of madness of maupassantian madwoman and madman. Woman is considered the cause of madness of a madman but a madwoman is herself responsible for her madness and her pathethic life.


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How to Cite
Kalplata, ,. (2015). FOU/FOLLE CHEZ GUY DE MAUPASSANT. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 11(35). Retrieved from