Sufism and the Contemporary Macedonian Society

  • Dragan Kostovski University of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Macedonia


Macedonian society was traditionally an area where Sufi movements were practicing their religious activities. As a result, it is a specific cultural area that has its influence in creating Sufism as a dominant religion within Ottoman Empire. Minding that historical circumstances, and also considering the area placed at the center of Balkan Peninsula, it has the qualities of multicultural characteristics that originates from centuries back due to the history of the area. In September 2017, a survey was conducted with the main goal of detecting and realizing the possible integrative traits and positive multicultural dimension of Sufism.


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How to Cite
Kostovski, D. (2018). Sufism and the Contemporary Macedonian Society. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 14(20), 185.