Squaring Youth Ambition and Old Generation Commitment in Tunji Ogundimu’s Pensioners and Prisoners

  • Yélian Constant Aguessy Université de Parakou, Bénin


The unfailing role of the old generation isto advise and orient the youth to avoid taking immature decisions. In this respect, the current paper aims to show how the old generation raises in the youth the interest to stay in their countries and stop the brain drain to the Western countries, which affects the development of the African nations. In effect, the study has been conducted through Tunji Ogundimu’s Pensioners and Prisoners where Pa Joshua, the round protagonist has strongly opposed and rejected the inordinate ambition of his son Bola to migrate to USA so as to work and make fortune to reduce the plight of the family. For him there is no better place than home. It is on this way that he invites the youth of his country to stand up for the fight and not give up the fight and face the reality of unemployment and precariousness of living conditions. This paper makes it clear that the youth are immature and inexperienced. As argued here the elders must serve as model that the youth have to consult. Further, the paper has proved that the labour force must stop fleeing the African countries to the Western ones. Eventually, the study has revealed that the passive and active masses have to unite to stop bad governance.


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How to Cite
Aguessy, Y. C. (2019). Squaring Youth Ambition and Old Generation Commitment in Tunji Ogundimu’s Pensioners and Prisoners. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 15(26), 109. https://doi.org/10.19044/esj.2019.v15n26p109