Low Lexical Meaning Verbs in the Summary of the “Nation’s Treasures II”

  • Blerina Kraja University Luigj Gurakuqi, Albania
Keywords: Verbs with dim lexical meaning, verbs with intense value, indicative, gerund and infinitive mood


Folk creativity of the Albanian folklore has often become a part of literary and linguistic studies. This is because these creations are rich not only in stylistic elements but also in diverse morphological and syntactic structures. It is presented to us in a very diverse way in terms of time constructions and meanings. The crux of this work is the summary of "Nation’s Treasures II" compiled and edited by Father Bernadin Palaj and Father Donat Kurti (1937). Here, the majority of the compilation consists of the Kreshnik’s Epic, or as it is known in the North of Albania, Kreshnik’s Songs. During the morphological analysis of the material, looking into the verses of the Kreshnik’s Songs, we came across some verbal constructions that carry intense values and are often associated with certain features of the Geg dialect. This intensity emerges with aspect nuance, and the verbs that mark ways of action. The followed methods are theoretical and illustrative, verses detached from the original work, of the 1937 edition. Some of the issues discussed in this work are: What is the linguistic perspective of the intensive verbs according to the Albanian language? Which are the intense verbs with more frequent use? At what time and manner are the verbs that indicate the beginning of the action shown? With what verbal constructs do they come up with? How does the problem arise when the intense verbs are associated with non-conjugational, infinitive, and gerund verbal forms?


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How to Cite
Kraja, B. (2020). Low Lexical Meaning Verbs in the Summary of the “Nation’s Treasures II”. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 16(5), 87. https://doi.org/10.19044/esj.2020.v16n5p87