Research Competence Training Model for First-Time Investigators (Panama, Udelas)

  • Lebrija Analinnette Decana de Investigación, Universidad Especializada de las Américas, Panamá
  • Montenegro Raul Asistente de investigación, Universidad Especializada de las Américas, Panamá
  • Kaur Harminder Profesora Investigadora, Universidad Especializada de las Américas, Panamá
Keywords: Teacher training in investigation, investigation, knowledge communities and investigation, research culture


Research culture is a fundamental factor in any university that promotes quality. The steppingstone in this process is the professors, who must possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes for the development of innovation and application of knowledge. This study is an action investigation, with an objective to validate a training model accompanied by the training of investigation and knowledge communities, aimed at the university professors from the Specialized University of the Americas (UDELAS). This is a descriptive field study that allows the reflection and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the training process of investigators in UDELAS. While conducting scientific studies, this university promotes scientific culture through the training and development of knowledge and investigation communities. These communities are formed by professors-investigators with an interest in the same line of investigation. The results indicate that professors-investigators have improved their scientific knowledge. Investigation communities have become much stronger, and participants have perceived an adequate process of accompaniment and administration. In conclusion, research culture has grown in UDELAS and it has been proved that the used model is efficient and has achieved its objectives.


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How to Cite
Analinnette, L., Raul, M., & Harminder, K. (2021). Research Competence Training Model for First-Time Investigators (Panama, Udelas). European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 17(5), 69.
ESJ Social Sciences