Examining the Theme: A Healthy Work Place and its Role in Promoting Work Place Health

  • Flourish Itulua Abumere University of Central Nicaragua, Nicaragua
Keywords: Workplace, Health, Promotion, disease prevention


Workplace health promotion initiatives that aim to improve employees' health and fitness have steadily increased throughout time. Previous studies have looked at the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, and barriers to participating in workplace health promotion. The number of studies supporting the effectiveness of workplace health promotion in improving employees' health and well-being through changing their health behaviors is rising. This paper focuses on the importance of workplace health promotion in assuring employees' general well-being and the relevance of these perspectives in dealing with workplace illness prevention.


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How to Cite
Abumere, F. I. (2021). Examining the Theme: A Healthy Work Place and its Role in Promoting Work Place Health. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 17(32), 58. https://doi.org/10.19044/esj.2021.v17n32p58
ESJ Social Sciences