A Word Visualization Observation: The Hidden Meaning of the Words in Work Environments

  • Fatma Guneri Hemisf4ire Design School, Université Catholique de Lille, France
  • Gulrenk Hayırcıl Universitat Duisburg-Essen, Germany
  • Meltem Unal Deligny Instructional Designer, Université Catholique de Lille, France
  • Selin Iman Student, Université de Lille, France
Keywords: GraphWords, visualization, lying, fabrication, prevarication


The aim of this study is to illustrate and semantically explain how the visualization of words is helpful to create word trees, showing the connection between various, synonym words and to explore the hidden meanings behind each word in the tree, particularly to provide a true message in work environments. To do this, the authors have chosen one main word “lying” and two connected, synonymous words to it “fabrication” and “prevarication”. The words have been chosen spontaneously, by considering their employment in communications, particularly in work environments. To uncover the variety and implication of these words the study is divided into two sections: a short secondary data collection and an observational part. The short literature review accomplished by a secondary data collection highlights the importance of word visualization through different methods and tools through communications in, particularly, workplaces. And the observations in the methodology bring complimentary proof after the secondary data collection. With the use of word visualizations such as mind maps and word clouds, this study illustrates the further importance of word visualizations which opens new perspectives upon other words for diverse studies and fields as seen in the glossary, a dictionary of the words, employed in Picture 1 which is provided as an example of source presentation for future works in similar studies.


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How to Cite
Guneri, F., Hayırcıl, G., Deligny, M. U., & Iman, S. (2021). A Word Visualization Observation: The Hidden Meaning of the Words in Work Environments. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 17(36), 19. https://doi.org/10.19044/esj.2021.v17n36p19
ESJ Humanities