Performance Optimization of a Simple Drip Irrigation System with Used Plastic Water Bottles

  • Zakaria Issaka Department of Agricultural Engineering, Tamale Technical University, Northern Region, Ghana
  • Abdul-Latif Husein Alhassan Department of Water and Environmental Engineering, Tamale Technical University, Northern Region, Ghana
Keywords: Plastic bottle, drip irrigation, perforation size, height of bottle from ground


Effects of perforation sizes and heights of used plastic water bottles on growth and yield components of amaranthus spinosus L. crop were analyzed in this study. The experiment was conducted on a 38 m2 experimental field of Tamale Technical University using a Randomized Complete Block Design with four treatments and replications. Perforation sizes at different heights of bottles from the ground level combinations were: 3.2 mm, 5 cm (A); 3.2 mm, 10 cm (B); 3.2 mm, 15 cm (C); 3.2 mm, 20 cm (D), respectively. Data on growth and yield components of amaranthus crop were measured and analysed using ANOVA. Results showed a decreasing trend for both irrigation time and perforation size and height of the plastic bottle from the ground level. Significant differences were observed between the treatments A and D, B and C, B and D, and C and D for leaf area, number of leaves, plant height, stem girth, root length, and weight of amaranthus crop head. However, perforation size of 3.2 mm with the plastic water bottle raised at a height of 5 cm from the ground resulted in significant growth and yield of amaranthus crop, followed by B, C and D treatments. Small holder farmers can adopt used water plastic bottles with perforation size of 3.2 mm raised 5 cm from the ground level in order to boost the production of amaranthus crop.


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How to Cite
Issaka, Z., & Alhassan, A.-L. H. (2024). Performance Optimization of a Simple Drip Irrigation System with Used Plastic Water Bottles. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 20(21), 170.
ESJ Natural/Life/Medical Sciences