La Representation Du Corps Dans La Religieuse De Diderot Et Dans Justine Ou Les Malheurs De La Vertu De Sade

  • Madame Saliha Arzaz Professeur de l’enseignement supérieur assistant au C.R.M.E.F. de Meknès et professeur vacataire à la faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines de Meknès


Body representation in the Religious of Diderot and Justine or the misfortunes of virtue Sade is an investigation that seeks to bring the two philosophers of the Enlightenment. Our study presents the design of the body in Western culture while emphasizing the most important trends to compare the views of the two authors. This is to see at what level the body Sade and Diderot is attached to the space because the body enclosed becomes perverted and corrupted. The main female characters testify through a subjective opinion of their misfortunes and persecutions. Their bodies and those of the other characters are objects of pain and suffering. These are linked to pleasure. The approach that we conducted allowed us to see that both authors defend the passions and human freedom and oppose any theological belief that could take away that freedom.


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How to Cite
Arzaz, M. S. (2016). La Representation Du Corps Dans La Religieuse De Diderot Et Dans Justine Ou Les Malheurs De La Vertu De Sade. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 12(5), 416.