Le Traitement Antibiotique Dans La Pédiatrie

  • Stoyan Papanov Université médicale Plovdiv, Faculté de pharmacie, Département de pharmacognosie et de la chimie pharmaceutique, Bulgarie
  • Ekaterina Petkova Université médicale Plovdiv, Medical College, Bulgarie
  • Zlatka Dimitrova Université de Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski"- Département de chimie et de pharmacie, Bulgarie
  • Vania Georgieva Hôpital Universitaire Sofiamed, Bulgarie
  • Kalin Ivanov Université médicale Plovdiv, Faculté de pharmacie, Département de pharmacognosie et de la chimie pharmaceutique, Bulgarie
  • Stanislava Ivanova Université médicale Plovdiv, Faculté de pharmacie, Département de pharmacognosie et de la chimie pharmaceutique, Bulgarie
  • Rumen Mladenov Université médicale Plovdiv, Faculté de pharmacie, Département de pharmacognosie et de la chimie pharmaceutique, Bulgarie


The current study should be paid extra attention because antibiotics are main cluster of drugs for treatment of child infections and illnesses. They are the most commonly prescribed medicines for children, relatively expensive and consume 60-70% of the budget for treatment of child illnesses, with exclusion only in malign sickness. OBJECT: The current study represents common classification of antibiotics and the most commonly used antimicrobial agents during childhood. RESEARCH METHODS - Systematic approach and critical analysis of the available scientific periodicals - Interview method of the survey (survey data pediatricians and general practitioners in the region of Plovdiv, Bulgaria.) - Own research on the issue. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Most often, doctors use: Broad-spectrum penicillins: Amoxicillin, Amopen, Ospamox, Duomox First generation cephalosporins: Ospexin, Cephalexin Second-generation cephalosporins: Cefaclor Third generation cephalosporins: Abricef, Cefotaxime, Rocephin, Fortum Fourth generation cephalosporins: Maxipime Macrolides: Macropen Aminoglycosides: Gentamicin, Amicacine CONCLUSION: No significant differences are observed in the prescribed by the general practitioners and pediatricians antibiotics.


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How to Cite
Papanov, S., Petkova, E., Dimitrova, Z., Georgieva, V., Ivanov, K., Ivanova, S., & Mladenov, R. (2016). Le Traitement Antibiotique Dans La Pédiatrie. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 12(33), 103. https://doi.org/10.19044/esj.2016.v12n33p103