Propuesta De Modelo De Gestión De Información Y Conocimiento En El Marco De Un Observatorio Turístico Cantonal En La Ciudad De Riobamba

  • Diana Paola Salazar Andrade Docente – Investigadora de la Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi Extensión La Maná
  • Catalina Margarita Verdugo Bernal Docente - Investigadora de la Facultad de Recursos Naturales Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo - Ecuador
  • Natalia Geoconda Zambrano Cuadro Docente – Investigadora de la Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi Extensión La Maná
  • Otto Fernando Balseca Docente - Investigador de la Facultad de Mecánica Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo – Ecuador
  • Mayra Elizabeth Cáceres Mena Docente - Investigadora de la Facultad de Recursos Naturales Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo – Ecuador
  • Oscar Iván Granizo Paredes Sub-Director Posgrado-ESPOCH


We present a sustainable management model capable of delivering timely products and services demanded by public and private tourism stakeholders. The case study is for the strategic decision-making of the tourism sector in Riobamba County, Ecuador, within the framework of a Tourism Observatory as a means of information management. Other cases of information management related to tourism and literature on national and international tourist observatories were analyzed. Locally, information gaps were identified through personal interviews with actors in the sector. The preferred organizational structure follows the Red Model, which uses the construction of knowledge as a barometer of quality, an opportunity for investment, market research, learning spaces and exchange of experiences. It also presents the profile of services and products that will be offered by the observatory, flow of processes, financing alternatives and strategic alliances for its operation. Our research demonstrates the willingness of tourism stakeholders to move from information management to knowledge management. It is concluded that our Information and Knowledge Management Model could be promoted in the future as an alternative to address real problems in information management. We recommend implementing our Information and Knowledge Management Model because it demonstrates a contribution to the generation of unique and transferable knowledge among tourism stakeholders. It is indispensable for stakeholder institutions to work in coordination with joint responsibility for the success of the Tourism Observatory.


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How to Cite
Andrade, D. P. S., Bernal, C. M. V., Cuadro, N. G. Z., Balseca, O. F., Mena, M. E. C., & Paredes, O. I. G. (2017). Propuesta De Modelo De Gestión De Información Y Conocimiento En El Marco De Un Observatorio Turístico Cantonal En La Ciudad De Riobamba. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 13(2), 51.