Cybercriminalité ou "Broutage" et Crimes Rituels à Abidjan: Logiques des Acteurs et Réponses au Phénomène Cas des Communes de Yopougon et d’Abobo

  • Raymond Nébi Bazare Docteur en Criminologie, Sociocriminologue, Maître Assistant Université Félix HOUPHOUET Boigny de Cocody-Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
  • Bamba Ladji Docteur en Criminologie, Maître Assistant, UFR Criminologie Université Félix HOUPHOUET Boigny de Cocody-Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
  • Dolle Kadidja Doctorant à l’UFR Criminologie Université Félix HOUPHOUET Boigny de Cocody-Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire


The aim of this study is to show the existence of a link between ritual crimes and the cybercrime that takes place in the territory of Abidjan. It shows the logics of the actors and proposes effective policies to combat this phenomenon. It was carried out in two municipalities of Abidjan, namely: Yopougon (with the largest demographic plan) and Abobo. The survey was conducted with 50 people, including 20 in Yopougon and 30 in Abobo. The survey was conducted on the basis of reasoned choice using data collection techniques such as documentary study, observation, and inquiry. The data were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The results show that there is no particular type of cybercriminals who commit ritual crimes. Everyone does it, but for different purposes. Most of them spell the target in order to annihilate anyone that is resistance and is refusing. For others, mystical rituals help them in their understanding of how to escape the police and justice. They involve other actors in the network on their activities. In this case, the agents of western union, targets, security agents and others are also involved.


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How to Cite
Bazare, R. N., Ladji, B., & Kadidja, D. (2017). Cybercriminalité ou "Broutage" et Crimes Rituels à Abidjan: Logiques des Acteurs et Réponses au Phénomène Cas des Communes de Yopougon et d’Abobo. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 13(23), 104.