Zongo, Hubert G., Université de Fada N’Gourma/Département Génie Minier, Burkina Faso Université Joseph Ki ZERBO/Laboratoire Geosciences et Environnement, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, Burkina Faso
European Scientific Journal, ESJ Vol 15 (2023): ESI Preprints - ESI Preprints
Structural Evolution and Its Implication for the Emplacement of Gold Deposit in the Central Part of Burkina Faso, West Africa
Abstract PDF -
European Scientific Journal, ESJ Vol 20 No 3 (2024): ESJ Natural/Life/Medical Sciences - ESJ Natural/Life/Medical Sciences
Structural Evolution and its Implication for the Emplacement of Gold Deposit in the Central Part of Burkina Faso, West Africa
Abstract PDF Review History