Análisis De Los Riesgos Mecánicos Y Su Incidencia En La Seguridad Y Salud Laboral En Los Trabajadores. Estudio De Caso: Fundición De Estructuras Metálicas

  • Jairón Enrique Mendoza Proaño Magister en Seguridad, Higiene Industrial y Salud Ocupacional
  • Carlos Julio Molestina Malta Ingeniero Industrial Docente en la Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • Edison Antonio Chango Agama Ingeniero en Ecoturismo
  • Sofía Andrea Basantes Vinueza Ingeniera en Ecoturismo


The analysis of occupational risks within companies, based on civil works, is of great importance in ensuring the safety and the occupational health of its collaborators. The present research work focuses on the analysis of the current situation by means of the methodology of William Fine. The study aims to identify and evaluate the mechanical risks, where the occurrence of these catastrophic events generates multiple consequences. This consequence is both for the employer and the employee, and it ranges from labor absenteeism, physical and mental injuries, and significant economic losses for enterprises by various cases of demands or treatments that must incur due to the lack of procedures of control and prevention. This, however, might be equipment and machinery used in the phase of casting metallic structures, especially in Quintana construction company. The results were obtained through qualitative-quantitative methodology in obtaining the worker’s perspectives. They stated that they are conditioned to high risk mechanical jobs, where the lack of equipment for protection as well as the proper socialization of internal safety guidelines limited the involvement of partners. Consequently, it is essential to mitigate the occurrence of risks at the mention of the company events. As part of the conclusion of this study, there is the need to design a matrix of risks and identify the existing risks. In addition, the proposed control measures were determined.


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How to Cite
Proaño, J. E. M., Malta, C. J. M., Agama, E. A. C., & Vinueza, S. A. B. (2017). Análisis De Los Riesgos Mecánicos Y Su Incidencia En La Seguridad Y Salud Laboral En Los Trabajadores. Estudio De Caso: Fundición De Estructuras Metálicas. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 13(15), 352.