Multimodality and transculturalism in a proposal of a LIBRAS didactic material for hearing people

  • Kate Mamhy Oliveira Kumada Universidade Federal do ABC, Brazil
  • Ivani Rodrigues Silva Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
  • Fernando Henrique Sato Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, Brazil
  • Karina Vaneska Pereira de Carvalho Universidade Federal do ABC, Brazil
Keywords: Libras, QR Code, Multimodality, Didatic Material


From the officialization of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras), the deaf person acquires the right to be recognized as a bilingual individual and to ensure this condition, hearing professionals from different areas start to learn Libras, which is even established as a mandatory subject for graduation in some Brazilian higher education courses. Thus, discussions involving the language teaching process, the production of didactic materials, transculturalism and multimodality are necessary for this political and sociolinguistically complex context. From a qualitative research, the objective of this article was to discuss the multimodality and transculturalism present in a proposal for a didactic material to teach Libras in a course involving hearing professionals in the healthcare area. For this purpose, the constructed material considered as legitimate resources the writing of Portuguese, illustrations and photographs of Libras signs, as well as access to videos with different speakers of that language from the scanning of the QR Code incorporated in the material. It is understood that all these elements need to be addressed in an integrated way in the learning of Libras by hearing people, as they constitute the reading of the contemporary world, in which visual and digital resources are also part of the language.


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How to Cite
Kumada, K. M. O., Silva, I. R., Sato, F. H., & Carvalho, K. V. P. de. (2021). Multimodality and transculturalism in a proposal of a LIBRAS didactic material for hearing people. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 17(22), 47.