Unemployment and Digital Labor Platforms in Georgia
This article addresses the pressing issues of unemployment and employment in Georgia over the past three decades. With an average unemployment rate of around 20 percent, affecting approximately 300,000 people from 2010 to 2022, the labor force faces significant challenges. The advent of technological progress has highlighted the necessity for novel approaches to the labor market. In this context, digital work platforms have emerged as potential solutions, offering new forms of employment and creating opportunities driven by advancements in digital technologies. The aim of this study is to identify innovative employment opportunities in the context of the current unemployment situation in order to improve the Georgian labor market conjunction. The study draws upon interviews with labor market specialists and presents conclusions based on primary and secondary data. While the research indicates that digital work platforms do not currently play a major role in employment, their significance is projected to grow in the future. The extent of their impact on the population's employment prospects will depend on Georgia's technological development and educational level. These platforms demonstrate the potential to generate flexible jobs and provide supplementary income opportunities. However, challenges associated with their development must be addressed for their successful integration into the labor market.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Murtaz Kvirkvaia, Mogeli Shengelia

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