Industrial Growth and Socio-Economic Impact: An Analysis of Armi's Manufacturing History in the Mongiana Industrial Village of Serre Calabria
The Mongiana Arms Factory in Calabria (Italy), built in 1852, constitutes a significant example of 19th century armoury. Designed by Domenico Fortunato Savino, active from 1852 to the mid-1860s, the factory produced 2000-3000 weapons annually for the bourbon army, with a peak of 7000-8000 in periods of maximum production. He introduced the «Mongiana» spring-loaded rifle, replacing the French model of 1842. After the unification of Italy, it lost relevance, being downgraded to a transformation workshop, and later closed. Today, part of the Ecomuseum of the Ironworks and Foundries of Calabria, the building has been under restoration since 2013. The Museum of the Royal Bourbon Ironworks, the result of a careful recovery process, allows for an in-depth exploration of the historical, economic, and technological role of the factory in the panorama of the steel industry of the time.
2. Brasacchio, 1977 - Brasacchio, G., (1977). Economic history of Calabria. From the Aragonese domination to the French occupation. Frama Sud, Chiaravalle Centrale, vol. II, 377.
3. Gentile 2007-2008 - Gentile, F. (2007-2008). Bourbon memories in the land of Calabria: the Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, in Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie VII, H. ª del Arte, t. 20-21, 162.
4. Orsi, 1926 - Orsi, P. (1926). The pre-Hellenic necropolis of Torre Gallo on the Poro plateau, on Ancient Monuments published by Accademia dei Lincei, Rome XXXI, 5.
5. De Sensi, 2004; Berard 1963, Fiorenza, 2019 - In this regard, see De Sensi Sestito, G. (2004). The landscape of Caulonia between myth, stories and cults, in Kaulonía, Caulonia, Stilida (and beyond). Historical, archaeological, and topographical contributions, II, Annals of the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, Series IV, Quaderni 17, Pisa; cf. also Berard, J. (1963). La Magna Graecia. History of the Greek Colonies of Southern Italy, Turin, 159; Fiorenza, E. (2019). Mines and ironworks in the Stilaro territory, in «Humanities», Year VIII, Number 15, June, 89-99
6. Tromby 1773 - Tromby, B. (1773). Storia critico cronologica diplomatica del Patriarca S. Bruno e del suo ordine, Napoli, tomo II, appendice, p. LXXIII
7. Gentile 2007-2008 - Gentile, F. (2007-2008). Bourbon memories in the land of Calabria: the Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, in Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie VII, H. ª del Arte, t. 20-21, 163;
8. Gentile 2007-2008 - Gentile, F. (2007-2008). Bourbon memories in the land of Calabria: the Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, in Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie VII, H. ª del Arte, t. 20-21, 164;
9. Galasso 1967 - Galasso, G. (1967). Economy and society in 16th century Calabria, Arte Tipografica, Naples, 215.
10. Gentile 2007-2008 - Gentile, F. (2007-2008). Bourbon memories in the land of Calabria: the Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, in Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie VII, H. ª del Arte, t. 20-21, 167.
11. Gentile 2007-2008 - Gentile, F. (2007-2008). Bourbon memories in the land of Calabria: the Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, in Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie VII, H. ª del Arte, t. 20-21, 167, n. 35.
12. Caligiuri 1966 - Caligiuri, M. (1966). Brief History of Calabria, Newton Economic Paperbacks, Rome, 38.
13. Gentile 2007-2008 - Gentile, F. (2007-2008). Bourbon memories in the land of Calabria: the Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, in Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie VII, H. ª del Arte, t. 20-21, 168.
14. Rocco 1785; Pane 1939 - Rocco, B. (1785). Elogio del Cavaliere Goffredo, Napoli, 16-17; Pane, R. (1939). The architecture of the Baroque age in Naples, Epsa, Naples, 317-318.
15. Gentile 2007-2008 - Gentile, F. (2007-2008). Bourbon memories in the land of Calabria: the Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, in Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie VII, H. ª del Arte, t. 20-21, 171.
16. BNN, 66 - The report on their work is contained in Istruzioni per gli ingegneri commissionati nella Calabria Ulteriore, BNN, Sez. Manoscritti e Rari, Bibl. Prov., n. 66, paper bound in parchment sheets 124.
17. Gentile, F. (2007-2008). Bourbon memories in the land of Calabria: the Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, in Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie VII, H. ª del Arte, t. 20-21, 173.
18. Durbiano G., Robiglio M. (2003). Landscape and Architecture in contemporary Italy, Donzelli Editore, Rome, 12.
19. Gentile, 2007 - 2008 - Gentile, F. (2007-2008). Bourbon memories in the land of Calabria: the Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, in Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie VII, H. ª del Arte, t. 20-21, 176.
20. Rubino, 2004 - Rubino G.E. (2004). The factories of the South. Architecture and Archeology of Work, Giannini Editore, 124.
21. Rubino, 2004 - Rubino G.E. (2004). The factories of the South. Architecture and Archeology of Work, Giannini Editore,122.
22. D’Ayala, 1847 - D’Ayala M. (1847). Napoli militare, Stamperia dell’Iride, Napoli, 155-156.
23. Rubino, 2004 - Rubino G.E. (2004). The factories of the South. Architecture and Archeology of Work, Giannini Editore,122.
24. Rubino, 2004 - Rubino G.E. (2004). The factories of the South. Architecture and Archeology of Work, Giannini Editore,123
25. ASN, Dipendenze sommaria, fasc. 63/6; ASCZ, Archivio della Mongiana, Inventario ferriere di Stilo, cart. I.
26. Rubino, 2004 - Rubino G.E. (2004). The factories of the South. Architecture and Archeology of Work, Giannini Editore,122.
27. Rubino, 2004 - Rubino G.E. (2004). The factories of the South. Architecture and Archeology of Work, Giannini Editore,123.
28. D’Ayala, 1847 - D’Ayala M. (1847). Napoli militare, Stamperia dell’Iride, Napoli, 155-156 e 187.
29. ASN, Fondo Disegni, cartella XVII, dis. n. 12.
30. ASN, Fondo Disegni, cartella XVII, dis. n. 13.
31. ASN, Fondo Disegni, cartella XVII, dis. n. 14.
32. ASN, Fondo Disegni, cartella XVII, dis. n. 15.
33. Rubino, 2004 - Rubino G.E. (2004). The factories of the South. Architecture and Archeology of Work, Giannini Editore,124.
34. Milizia, 1972 - In this regard, Milizia wrote: «Each manufacturing requires a type of factory with different exposure, situation, and layout. But in general, these buildings must contain accommodation for the workers, for directors and for the inspectors responsible for ensuring good order, economy and the improvement of each object relating to their establishment, without however ever restricting the freedom of the manufacturers […]. The order of their architecture must be simple and announce the solidity of their construction, without however presenting a proud and martial character, which in civil architecture can very well be used in forges, glassworks, etc.»; see Milizia F. (1972). Principi di architettura Civile, Milano, 327.
35. Rubino G.E. (2004). The factories of the South. Architecture and Archeology of Work, Giannini Editore, 124.
36. Marino, 2016 - Marino A. (2016). The battalion chief, Lieutenant Colonel Michele Carascosa directed the Mongiana in the three-year period 1811-1814. In this regard, see Marino A. (2016). The Ironworks of Mongiana. The steel industry in Calabria in the 19th century, Italian Academic Editions, Torrazza Piemonte, 132-133.
37. De Stefano Manno, Matacena, 1979 - De Stefano Manno, B., Matacena, G. (1979). The Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, Preface by Faetano Cingari. Photographs by Fabio Donato. History of Naples and Sicily, Naples; 134.
38. Franco, 2019 - This was the name of the Torre Annunziata Arms Factory from 1810 to 1815. In this regard, see Franco D. (2019). The Royal Iron Factories in Calabria. Between history and industrial archaeology, Rubbettino Editore, 86.
39. De Stefano Manno, Matacena, 1979 - De Stefano Manno, B., Matacena, G. (1979). The Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, Preface by Faetano Cingari. Photographs by Fabio Donato. History of Naples and Sicily, Naples, 134.
40. Franco, 2019 - This was the name of the Torre Annunziata Arms Factory from 1810 to 1815. In this regard, see Franco D. (2019). The Royal Iron Factories in Calabria. Between history and industrial archaeology, Rubbettino Editore, 86.
41. Marino, 2016 - He directed the Mongiana factories from 1850 to 1853. In this regard, see: Marino, A., The battalion chief, Lieutenant Colonel Michele Carascosa directed the Mongiana in the three-year period 1811-1814. In this regard, see Marino A. (2016). The Ironworks of Mongiana. The steel industry in Calabria in the 19th century, Italian Academic Editions, Torrazza Piemonte,132-133.
42. De Stefano Manno, Matacena, 1979 - De Stefano Manno, B., Matacena, G. (1979). The Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, Preface by Faetano Cingari. Photographs by Fabio Donato. History of Naples and Sicily, Naples, 61.
43. De Stefano Manno, Matacena, 1979 - De Stefano Manno, B., Matacena, G. (1979). The Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, Preface by Faetano Cingari. Photographs by Fabio Donato. History of Naples and Sicily, Naples, 135.
44. Marino, 2016 - Marino A. (2016). The Ironworks of Mongiana. The steel industry in Calabria in the 19th century, Italian Academic Editions, Torrazza Piemonte, 61.
45. Matacena, 1983 - Matacena G. (1983). Industry and work architecture in Calabria from the 16th to the 19th century, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Naples, 115.
46. Gentile, 2007 – 2008 - Gentile, F. (2007-2008). Bourbon memories in the land of Calabria: the Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, in Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie VII, H. ª del Arte, t. 20-21, 176.
47. Grimaldi, 1845 - Grimaldi L. (1845), Statistical studies on the agricultural and manufacturing industry in Calabria Ultra carried out on behalf of the Economic Society of the Province of the Perpetual Secretary Avv. Luigi Grimaldi, Borel and Bompard, Naples,74.
48. De Stefano Manno, Matacena, 1979 - De Stefano Manno, B., Matacena, G. (1979). The Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, Preface by Faetano Cingari. Photographs by Fabio Donato. History of Naples and Sicily, Naples, 187.
49. De Stefano Manno, Matacena, 1979 - De Stefano Manno, B., Matacena, G. (1979). The Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, Preface by Faetano Cingari. Photographs by Fabio Donato. History of Naples and Sicily, Naples, 189.
50. Franco, 2019 - Franco D. (2019). The Royal Iron Factories in Calabria. Between history and industrial archaeology, Rubbettino Editore, 86, n. 12.
51. Franco, 2019 - Franco D. (2019). The Royal Iron Factories in Calabria. Between history and industrial archaeology, Rubbettino Editore, 87, n. 13.
52. Franco, 2019 - Franco D. (2019). The Royal Iron Factories in Calabria. Between history and industrial archaeology, Rubbettino Editore, 8687, n. 13
53. Franco, 2019 - Franco D. (2019). The Royal Iron Factories in Calabria. Between history and industrial archaeology, Rubbettino Editore, 86.
54. De Stefano Manno, Matacena, 1979 - De Stefano Manno, B., Matacena, G. (1979). The Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, Preface by Faetano Cingari. Photographs by Fabio Donato. History of Naples and Sicily, Naples, 138
55. Franco, 2019 - Franco D. (2019). The Royal Iron Factories in Calabria. Between history and industrial archaeology, Rubbettino Editore, 86, n. 12.
56. De Stefano Manno, Matacena, 1979 - De Stefano Manno, B., Matacena, G. (1979). The Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, Preface by Faetano Cingari. Photographs by Fabio Donato. History of Naples and Sicily, Naples, 139.
57. BNN, 53 - The Regulation is contained in BNN, Sez. manoscritti e Rari, Biblioteca provinciale, Ms 53.
58. De Stefano Manno, Matacena, 1979 - De Stefano Manno, B., Matacena, G. (1979). The Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, Preface by Faetano Cingari. Photographs by Fabio Donato. History of Naples and Sicily, Naples,128.
59. BNN, 53,- BNN, Sez. manoscritti e Rari, Biblioteca provinciale, Ms 53.
60. De Stefano Manno, Matacena, 1979 - De Stefano Manno, B., Matacena, G. (1979). The Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, Preface by Faetano Cingari. Photographs by Fabio Donato. History of Naples and Sicily, Naples, 128, 129, 131.
61. De Stefano Manno, Matacena, 1979 - De Stefano Manno, B., Matacena, G. (1979). The Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, Preface by Faetano Cingari. Photographs by Fabio Donato. History of Naples and Sicily, Naples 129.
62. BNN, 53 - BNN, Sez. manoscritti e Rari, Biblioteca provinciale, Ms 53
63. De Stefano Manno, Matacena, 1979 - De Stefano Manno, B., Matacena, G. (1979). The Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, Preface by Faetano Cingari. Photographs by Fabio Donato. History of Naples and Sicily, Naples, 132.
64. De Stefano Manno, Matacena, 1979 - De Stefano Manno, B., Matacena, G. (1979). The Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, Preface by Faetano Cingari. Photographs by Fabio Donato. History of Naples and Sicily, Naples This fulfilled the function of coordinating production in the Kingdom. In this regard, see - De Stefano Manno, B., Matacena, G. (1979). The Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, Preface by Faetano Cingari. Photographs by Fabio Donato. History of Naples and Sicily, Naples, 132.
65. De Stefano Manno, Matacena, 1979 - De Stefano Manno, B., Matacena, G. (1979). The Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, Preface by Faetano Cingari. Photographs by Fabio Donato. History of Naples and Sicily, Naples, 134.
66. De Stefano Manno, Matacena, 1979 - De Stefano Manno, B., Matacena, G. (1979). The Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, Preface by Faetano Cingari. Photographs by Fabio Donato. History of Naples and Sicily, Naples,135.
67. De Stefano Manno, Matacena ,1979, De Stefano Manno, Matacena, 1979 - De Stefano Manno, B., Matacena, G. (1979). The Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, Preface by Faetano Cingari. Photographs by Fabio Donato. History of Naples and Sicily, Naples, 134-135. The 1851 model had a 40-inch barrel, while later rifles had a 38-inch barrel.
68. De Stefano Manno, Matacena ,1979, De Stefano Manno, Matacena, 1979 - De Stefano Manno, B., Matacena, G. (1979). The Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, Preface by Faetano Cingari. Photographs by Fabio Donato. History of Naples and Sicily, Naples, 136.
69. De Stefano Manno, Matacena ,1979, De Stefano Manno, Matacena, 1979 - De Stefano Manno, B., Matacena, G. (1979). The Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, Preface by Faetano Cingari. Photographs by Fabio Donato. History of Naples and Sicily, Naples,192.
70. Franco, 2019 - Franco D. (2019). The Royal Iron Factories in Calabria. Between history and industrial archaeology, Rubbettino Editore,88.
71. Gentile, 2007 – 2008 - Gentile, F. (2007-2008). Bourbon memories in the land of Calabria: the Royal Ironworks and Workshops of Mongiana, in Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie VII, H. ª del Arte, t. 20-21, 179.
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